Monday, April 30, 2018

Campaign Game 3: Garden of the Spirits

We played the next game in the campaign yesterday. The heroes entered a haunted graveyard in search of another artifact to help in their quest.

Here is the setup at the beginning of the game:

Here are the heroes about to enter the graveyard:

Here they are under attack by spirit hosts, wraiths, and banshees:

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Princess Yasmina

A couple years ago I started work on a little project. I wanted to collect some of my favorite metal Games Workshop models to represent the various classes in D&D. That way I could use them for Warhammer or RPGs. Like many projects, it grew in scope a little bit. I started an Arabyan-style warband in addition to a more traditional D&D party.

Here is the most recent addition to the Arabyan warband. It is the Bretonnian Sorceress. I happened to have an old metal elephant lying around as well, and it turns out that she fits very well on it. I also picked up a couple of Reaper Bones camels, because Princess Yasmina needs a way to carry all of her luggage (the rest of the warband likes this too.)

Monday, April 23, 2018

Campaign Game 2: Cavern of the Ghouls

We played the next adventure in our ongoing campaign today. The heroes ventured into the dreaded Caverns of the Ghouls in search of a magic sword. They fought ghouls, of course, but the sounds of battle also brought swarms of bats. Although two heroes fell in battle, the heroes won the day. Their companions were able to carry them to safety.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ogroid Thaumaturge

The Ogroid Thaumaturge (or ogre mage, if you prefer) for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is now finished. That leaves only the Tzaangors and the Skaven Deathrunners and the whole set will be painted.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Campaign Game 1

We played the first game in the campaign today. The heroes searched a village looking for a seer woman whose powers of augury could help them locate the secret lair of the vampire. But the enemy was hunting for her too...

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rising from the Dead

I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I have a lot more coming in the next few weeks. Tomorrow I begin running a D&D-esque game using the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Skirmish rules. I just finished this fellow for the game:

A group of heroes (see one of my earlier posts) is going hunting for a vampire. First, they have to find a mysterious seeress who might be able to use her powers of augury to help. I'll have more updates in just a day or two!