Sunday, March 10, 2019

Star Wars Legion/Miniatures Battles Table

I spent some time this weekend working on terrain. The table is coming together!

I hope to play a few games and share some battle reports in the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Biker Scouts and AT-ST

Over the last few days I finished up the biker scouts and the AT-ST walker. The bases for these, being larger than the infantry models, have received a little more attention. The rocks were glued on to the bases before being flocked.

I hope to start a campaign soon--using the old West End Games d6 Miniatures Rules--and so should have some battle reports coming soon.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Boba Fett and Scouts

I just finished up these guys.

Next up are the AT-ST and four speeder bikes. I figure at that point I'll have enough models ready to start some games.