Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Alliance April

April was a productive month!

I painted the following units:

1.4F Laser Cannon and Crew

Tauntaun Riders

Veteran Troopers

I was also able to get in a great game using the d6 Star Wars Miniatures Battles Rules, but I will have to share that a little later.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Imperial March

These are the models that I painted during "Imperial March."

Here is a Dewback and Rider.

I repainted my Snowtroopers and E-Web as Galactic Marines.

I also finally painted my Shoretroopers. One has a headswap so that he can be a character for an RPG.

Lastly, I converted a Warhammer 40K Genestealer Magus as an Imperial Inquisitor.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Long Live the Republic

During the month of February I painted up my Republic models. These include Obi Wan and Rex, two squads of clones, and a BARC speeder.

Obi Wan and Clones

Captain Rex and Clones

BARC Speeder and Riders

Once they were done, it was time to try them out in a battle with the Separatists.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Separatist Army

I haven't posted for a while, but that doesn't mean that I have not been busy! Over the last few weeks I have painted up my Separatist Army models for Star Wars Legion.

General Grievous and 9 Battle Droids

Count Dooku and 9 more Battle Droids

4 Droidekas

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Bounty

Over the holidays I ran a Star Wars adventure for my family using the D6 system. Here are some pictures from the game.

The heroes received their orders from the rebel Alliance: travel to a planet and rescue a local rebel leader there who had drawn a little too much attention. They would pose as traders and be contacted by another member of the cell with info about the leader.

The leader was hiding out in a set of caves outside of town. The heroes had to make their way there while avoiding Imperial Scouts who were also looking for the hideout. The party chose to sneak up close and keep an eye on the scouts. When they had passed by the area, the heroes moved in and rescued the leader.

When they got back to town, the PCs discovered that their ship was being watched by the Imperials. Sabine wren snuck off to set up some explosives to create a distraction.

After an intense firefight, the heroes made it back to their ship and escaped.